Questions and answers
We are the owner of the property. Contracts concluded with us will not be terminated unilaterally for reasons beyond our control.
The name of the owner can always be checked by the real estate cadastre.
Yes, we are able to provide a registered seat for a company – legal person.
Address of permanent residence and a company seat are not mutually exclusive.
If you prefer this combination, please contact us for clarification and more information.
Yes, we are able to provide a registered office for self-employed busness people (having a Trade License).
Address of permanent residence and a registered office or company seat are not mutually exclusive.
If you prefer this combination, please contact us for clarification and more information.
We grant our consent for the address of your permanent residence or registered seat or registered office solely for the period that you have paid for.
The service can be extended at any time.
You can chose from several methods of payment:
1) in cash on the spot,
2) via bank transfer based on proforma invoice before handing over the consent with permanent residence,
3) by card online on our website.